General Submission Instructions

Submission Location

We shall be sending out Google Drive links for corresponding teams to upload their files -- you might want to look at rclone to mount Google Drive onto your cluster


Depending on time zones forward of Pacific Coast Time many of you will be either substantially into your setup day or just ahead of us. We would like to accept submissions for the benchmarks (should all be single text files) into the competition's Google Drive location, but we will only allow access each team's submission folder to members of that team. Please send email addresses that you want added to your teams' submission folder. We'll be adding the mentor's to start with.

Every team should have one they can access and only their teams.

Submission Folder Names

University of Kansas: KU

University of Texas, Austin: UT Austin

Aalborg Universitet: ASK

University of California, San Diego: UCSD

More application specific info will be released during competition Day 1.

file structure

├── Benchmarks/
├── Cube20/
└── Mystery/

Additional Info

For remote teams, We'd like for you also to submit files corresponding to the power consumption of your cluster for us to validate.