Depending on time zones forward of Pacific Coast Time many of you will be either substantially into your setup day or just ahead of us. We would like to accept submissions for the benchmarks (should all be single text files) into the competition's google-drive location, but we will only allow access each team's submission folder to members of that team. Please send email addresses that you want added to your teams' submission folder. We'll be adding the mentors to start with.

For benchmarks please upload a copy of your .dat files for both and the output file produced for both.


  • Submit your *.dat file used for your submission run
  • Submit your output, usually called HPL.out by default if file is your output specified in your *.dat input.


  • Submit your *.dat file used for your submission run
  • Submit the output and log files generated by your runs. called hpcg_log_[timestamp].txt.
  • Official runs standardly run 30 min, but a 15+ min will be accepted to compensate for the short time.
  • Problem size must occupy at least ¼ of total main memory

Example Submission

    └── Benchmarks/
        ├── HPL.dat
        ├── HPL.out
        ├── hpcg.dat
        ├── HPCG-Benchmark[version]_[timestamp].txt
        └── hpcg_log_[timestamp].txt

Do not submit files twice

For more questions please ask Francisco Gutierrez and Khai Vu, accessible in person or at ffgutierrez@ucsd and